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Glutinous Rice Balls - Sweet

uncooked glutinous rice balls

cooked rice balls in simple syrup (with hint of ginger)

cooked rice balls in peanut paste

Some call this mochi (Japanese name). This sweet dessert dish is popular during the winter solstice, and is also eaten during Chinese Lunar New Year.

The sugar syrup is best simmered with a couple slices of ginger and a small sliver of orange rind to provide that hint of gingery citrusy flavor.

Glutinous rice balls, as the name indicates, is made from glutinous rice flour. The dough is formed by adding water to produce a smooth ball of dough.

Dessert rice balls can be plain or center-filled. Popular fillings include sesame, red bean and peanut pastes. Dessert rice balls with filling inside compares to chocolate molten lava cakes. The filling spills out with each bite.

TIP: Place rice balls on a tray to freeze separately, then remove to store in bag. Then it will not stick together when freezing.

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